Monday, December 13, 2010

Short story presentations

Monday-Tuesday, Dec. 13/14 - students are in groups to plan a presentation demonstrating their understanding of the elements of a short story. Ask your student what story has been assigned.

Wed. - spelling quiz on list #3. After we correct the quiz, students will be able to read for the remainder of the class time. They should turn in a second book report this week.

Thursday- Friday - continue planning presentation and present in class.

Monday - movie - late start
Tuesday - 10-15 minute classes and a holiday assembly. School gets out at 11:45.

SEE YOU IN JANUARY! Have a good and safe Christmas vacation.

Monday, December 6, 2010

Dec. news

This week the students are demonstrating their knowledge again of short story elements. They are writing creative stories using their spelling words; analyzing a 3 - paragraph short story; and preparing to do a project on a short story.

Wed. spelling quiz on Voc. #2

Continue to read and work toward their reading pages for 2nd term.