Tuesday, May 25, 2010

This is it!

Well, kids, this is it! You did it and now you have almost three months to celebrate. Thanks for a great year and for making me laugh. I wish you the best for next year and please do your homework on time. It won't hurt you at all!

Come back and let me know how you're doing. Good luck to you all.

Mrs. D

Thursday, May 13, 2010

The End is Almost Here! :)

Students received an outline of the last days of school. Please check with your student to verify due dates, etc.

REMINDER - Poetry booklet, memorized poem due on Tuesday, May 18th
Assigned book is due on Monday, May 24th.

If you have questions about the end of school, please contact me.

Mrs. D

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Poetry, oh, yea! :)

We are in the middle of a poetry unit where the students are reviewing/learning poetic terms. They have instruction each day that will help in their understanding of poetry before they compile a poetry booklet. Your student received information on the booklet on Monday. The booklet is due on the 14th of May.

Students have a book report due on Wed. May 5th. It was on a book of their choice and they have the form to complete.