Friday, January 29, 2010

Spelling list - #12 - quiz to be Feb. 3

hardy - strong, robust
haunt - to come or visit often
hesitation - halt, pause, delay, doubt
hostile - unfriendly, dislike
hover - to remain nearby, to stay in the air
humane - kind, sympathetic to others
hypocrite - insincere person
hysterical - uncontrollably excited
idle - lazy, doing nothing
ignorance - lack of knowledge

Monday, January 25, 2010

We are working on non-fiction essays this week. Most of the work will be completed in class. Email me if you have questions.


Wed - 1-27 - quiz on Voc. #10. words are listed below

Feb. 2 - Tuesday - students have a non-fiction 'project' due. Please refer to the handout that explains what to do - find five articles that are non-fiction and respond to them

Feb. 3 - Wednesday - non-fiction book assessment due - on the book that was found during the scavenger hunt in the library. Students have the form.

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Voc. #10 words

forum - a place for public discussions
frail - fragile, delicate
fugitive - an escapee
fulfill - to carry out, complete, to finish
fundamental - essential basic
futile - to do in vain, hopeless, useless
gawk - to stare stupidly
geological - physical nature of the earth
gesture - movement of the hands, or other body parts
ghastly - horrible, very bad

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Students are starting a non-fiction unit for 3rd term. Here is a brief overview for this week and part of next:

Wed. 1-20: We will review spelling words on #10. Students will correct the DOL they received on Tues. Non-fiction terms will be discussed and reviewed. Students will begin another journal prompt. Check with your students about the prompts they are writing.

Thursday 1-21: Students will go to the library for a non-fiction scavenger hunt. At the end, they will check out a book from any section 100 - 921. The book must be at least 75 pages and non-fiction. Your student has a worksheet that explains what to do.

Friday 1-22: Students will begin reading excerpts from the non-fiction section of the brown literature book.

Monday 1-25: Students will work on writing non-fiction essays and memoirs this week.

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Here's the scoop for the rest of the term!

1. Thursday, 1-7 - Students can work on their tall tale/legend/folk tale in class. It must be at least 1 page, but no more than 1 1/2 pages long. The students can read their library books and work on book reports if they prefer instead of writing.

2. Friday, 1-8 - students will be in groups to share the tall tale, etc. that they wrote. Each group will pick the most exciting story and that person will share in front of the class. After students have shared, we will review the tall tale unit for a 'quiz/test' on Monday.

3. Monday, 1-11 - students will have a 'quiz/test' on the tall tale unit to demonstrate their proficiency of what they learned. After the quiz, we will work on writing skills.

4. Wednesday, 1-13 - all book reports are due. NO EXCEPTIONS. I will not take them late. Please get the work completed by then.

5. Wed. 1-13 - Spelling quiz on #9

The term ends on the 15th. I will not take any late work after the 13th of January. Contact me at the school if you have questions.