Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Wrap up!

Students are working on a 2nd draft of their letter for the Great Mail Race. It should be typed and all corrections made before turning it in on Thursday.

Wednesday - students will have a spelling quiz and a pre-test on Core required prefixes and suffixes. Period 2-7 will see some video clips about the Civil Rights movement in conjunction with reading Watson's Go to Birmingham. Period 1,7 will continue reading F-451. The students in these classes have a project due on Nov. 6-7 that will be presented in class.

Thursday we will continue reading.
Friday - Watson's followup paper is due.

Monday, September 20, 2010


This week will involve a lot of reading and writing on the students' parts. :)

Mon-write the rough draft to Great Mail Race.
Tues - each class will read and discuss their books
review DO

Wed. - students have a spelling quiz on #3 - blue paper. The will also get a new list

Thurs - Parent/teacher conference 2-7. Continuation of reading their books. Rough drafts will be returned and discussed/

Friday - legal-sized envelope is due. Please put a 44 cent stamp on the upper right hand corner

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Intro to diversity

Students finished typing their persuasion papers into a new program called Utahwrite. Each student received a score on their paper in the areas of ideas, organization and conventions. The scores are based on a 5 point rubric. Parents can see these papers when they come to P/T next week.

Wed. intro to diversity and tolerance - 1/7 will finish their discussion on the Watson's packets from the summer. 2-5 will be introduced to Watson's and ideas involving diversity in their lives.

Thursday - spelling quiz is extended to today. Students have lists on a yellow sheet
Periods 1/7 will be given the book Fahrenheit 451 - a classic novel involving tolerance and diversity. Per. 2-5 will continue with Watsons.

Friday - students will turn in pedigree charts, history of their names and a summary of who in their family came to America first. Students will have class time to work on a rough draft for the Great Mail Race. Students were given information on this last week.

Thursday, September 9, 2010

Getting to Know Myself

This week students have been writing and learning about themselves. Tuesday students received a sheet with sentences that needed to be corrected called DOL. We will be working on these type of sentences through the year.

Wed. spelling quiz and journal on Who Am I. They also received a new list of commonly misspelled words. Students received a blue paper with an assignment on researching their first name, a pedigree chart, and information on finding the first person to America. This assignment is due on Friday, Sept. 17.

Thursday - we corrected the DOL sheet and discussed pedigree charts and how to fill them out.

Friday - students will receive information on writing a letter for the Great Mail Race - They will write a letter to another student somewhere in the USA. All students need to bring a stamped self-addressed envelope in order to send their letter.

Monday - TWICE-BAKED book report is due. If it is turned in late, the student will receive up to 70% of the possible points.